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    Can chronic virus infections cause Chronic Fatigue syndrome?


    Note: The definitions used for this project will be the same as those

    of Lombardi et al - the Fukuda-criteria (CDC 1994) and the Canadian

    criteria (Carruthers et. al. 2003) with samples coming from an

    established biobank. Other variables controlled for will be gene

    expression and immunological markers. However, the project description

    does not state whether disease stage will be one of the variables

    controlled for.


    The stated goal is to find agents or specific immunological findings

    that can be directly connected with the diagnosis, so that it is

    possible to develop laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.

    Approximately 350 ME-patients will be included every year, and the

    inclusion period is from 2010 to 2034. In total for the given time

    span, the estimated number of participants is 15,000 giving the study

    far more power than the very small studies done thus far. If new ideas

    and new information about ME should surface during the project period,

    the authors state that applications to the regional ethics committee

    will be submitted to use the biobank-material for each new project.


     =93Can chronic virus infections cause Chronic Fatigue syndrome?=94


    Steering committee

    Project leader and main supervisor: Prof. Emeritus Stig Jeansson

    Supervisor and contact person: MD. Barbara Baumgarten-Austrheim (baba@uus.n=



    Supervisor: Dr. Oddbj=F8rn Brubakk (specialist in infectious diseases),

    consultant at the ME/CFS-center at Oslo University Hospital, Ullev=E5l

    Publication: The project is a doctoral study project for MD Barbara

    Baumgarten-Austrheim. The results will be published in international

    and national medical journals with peer-review.

    Project start/end: The project started on the 1st of March 2010, and

    will be ended by 29th of December 2034.

    Goal: To study and find the causes of ME. A thematic biobank is being

    established in a proper and safe way. The inclusion period is from

    2010-2034. The project is part of the mission for the ME/CFS-center.


    Short project description:


    The cause of Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME) is still unknown. ME is

    characterized by a debilitating chronic fatigue and defined additional

    symptoms. About 70% of the cases are developed after an infection.


    There is no specific diagnostic tests, and the diagnosis is set

    clinically with the help of defined diagnostic criteria and exclusion

    of other diseases that might explain the condition. Immunological

    studies suggest an activation of the immune system, which might fit a

    chronic infection.


    The project has collaboration partners from St. George=92s University in

    London (Cellular & Molecular Medicine), Uppsala University in Sweden

    (Medical Genetics), Karolinska University Hospital (Center for

    infectious medicine), Stockholm, Sweden and Department for

    Microbiology at Oslo University Hospital, Ullev=E5l.


    More about the goals for the study


    1. We will determine the prevalence of XMRV in CFS patients and

    matched controls. A possible relationship between XMRV infection and

    the presence of other viruses that are often associated with CFS (e.g.

    herpes viruses and enteroviruses) will be looked into.

    2. a) Determine the prevalence of CIHHV-6 in CFS patients and matched

    controls. If CIHHV-6 is found we will subtype virus as HHV-6A or

    HHV-6B. The presence of free HHV-6 virus particles in plasma (viremia)

    will be determined in CFS patients and matched controls.

    2. b) Verify that HHV-7 activation is higher in CFS patients than in

    controls and that a simultaneous activation of HHV-7 and HHV-6 is

    found in CFS patients only. Hopefully be able to show that in a

    subgroup of CFS patients a simultaneous active infection with these

    viruses is a causal factor. Do CFS patients have an increased shedding

    of HHV-7 in saliva?

    3. We will determine the prevalence of chronic enterovirus infection

    in CFS patients and a control group. If a reliable diagnosis of a

    chronic enterovirus infection can be established in a subgroup of CFS

    patients the possibility of antiviral treatment will be considered.

    4. Immunological parameters will be evaluated in CFS patients and

    healthy controls:

    a. Various mediators of cytotoxic cell function.

    b. Cytokine analyses

    c. Gene-expression markers for immunological dysfunction


    Diagnosis and patient selection


    The project will use established international criteria for

    ME-diagnostics: Fukuda-criteria (CDC 1994) and the Canadian criteria

    (Carruthers et. al. 2003).

    The diagnosis is made by an evaluation of the patient=92s medical

    history, clinical evaluations and tests to ensure that the

    condition/symptoms is not caused by other diseases. When a certain

    ME-diagnosis is made, research has shown that patients can be divided

    in 7 different subgroups based on their gene-expression pattern.

    ME often debuts after a serious, acute infection, and signs of

    immunological dysfunction is often seen. The part of the immune system

    needed for an effective defense against viruses is often

    down-regulated. We want to study different viruses as possible cause

    for ME in certain subgroups. The virus discussed often leads to

    lifelong chronic infections.

    Examples of chronic viral infections such as the possible cause of ME:


    XMRV and related gamma retrovirus:


    In 2009, an HIV-like retroviruses, XMRV, found in ME patients in the

    United States. XMRV possibly be a factor that contributes to the

    development of ME. In 2010, in studies from Europe was not possible to

    reproduce the XMRV virus found in ME. Despite this XMRV is still of

    interest in ME. For work with such a retrovirus XMRV needed

    competence. We collaborate with Prof. Jonas Blomberg, Department of

    Clinical Virology, Institution of Medical Veten creator, Uppsala

    University, who has studied retroviruses since the 70s.


    (Even if XMRV proves to not be associated with human disease, it is

    possible there are other as yet undiscovered retroviruses.)


    Herpes viruses HHV-6 and HHV-7:

    The group of Herpes Virus provides lifelong infections that may be

    inactive, or be reactivated chronic. In ME Human Herpes Virus 6

    (HHV-6) and Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV-7) of interest. HHV-6 has two

    subtypes, HHV-6A and HHV-6B. The presence of HHV-6A is low in the

    normal population but relatively high in ME patients. By infection

    with HHV-6A manufactured substances that down-regulates the immune

    system. This may contribute to the spread of HHV-6A virus and give a

    chronic infection.


    Preliminary data suggest that an active HHV-6 infection with viremi

    (virus in the blood) can only be detected in ME patients. It is shown

    that HHV-6 can bind to DNA and was integrated into the chromosomes of

    the egg and sperm. In this way, HHV-6 virus is inherited from parent

    to child. Such chromosomal integrated HHV-6 (CIHHV-6) are found in all

    body cells. Under 1 Assistant Professor Eric Frengen, Department of

    Medical Genetics, University of Oslo, this must be seen as a carrier

    status of the virus. We will investigate whether CIHHV-6 may be a

    factor that contributes to the development of ME. Active infection

    with HHV-6 and HHV-7 is only found in ME patients. If these viruses

    are the cause of ME opens the possibility of antiviral therapy.



    Can chronic enterovirus infections cause ME? There are a large number

    of different enteroviral infection with enteroviruses are common. Data

    indicate that atypical enterovirus infections can occur in ME. An

    atypical infection and an ineffective immune response can provide a

    persistent enterovirus infection and inflammation of the tissues. If

    evidence of chronic enterovirus infection can be detected in ME

    patients, antiviral treatment possible.


    For analysis of the presence of enteroviruses, Dr. Scient. Mona

    Holberg-Petersen R & D Section, Microbiological Department, UUS

    developed a sensitive and efficient real-time PCR to detect all

    different enteroviruses. R & D department has all the equipment needed

    for this work.


    Informed consent will be required of patients who wished to be

    evaluated for ME/CFS (myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome)

    and participate in the study.

    The diagnosis is based on a set of clinical criteria that must be

    fulfilled. The goal is to find agents or specific immunological

    findings that can be directly connected with the diagnosis, so that it

    is possible to develop laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. If a

    defined virus infection causes ME in a defined subgroup, it may open

    up the possibility of antiviral treatment with an effect on the

    disease=92s development.

    A control group will be established from blood donors matched both

    regarding sex and age, from an assumed healthy normal population.



    The project is going to use material from a biobank that is being

    established at the ME/CFS-center. This is a thematic biobank within

    the ME-field, and will collect samples over a time span of

    approximately 25 years.

    For each patient, a control person matched by age and sex will be

    sought from healthy blood donors.

    Approximately 350 ME-patients will be included every year, and the

    inclusion period is from 2010 to 2034.

    In total for the given time span, the estimated number of participants

    is 15.000.

    If new ideas and new information about ME should surface during the

    project period, applications to the regional ethics committee will be

    submitted to use the biobank-material for each new project.

    This biobank will also have value for international cooperation within

    the field.

    Some of the reasons for establishing such a large biobank is that

    several subprojects will be carried out, and for each subproject a

    relatively large number of samples must be used from the biobank. It

    is desirable to research several scientific questions within the


    Benefits and disadvantages of the project


    Benefits for each project participant is a certain diagnosis of the

    disease, with thorough evaluation.

    If the background or causes of ME/CFS is established, this can lead to

    possibilities for effective treatment for some patients.

    It is a benefit for patients with a ME/CFS-diagnosis to get an

    explanation of the mechanisms of the disease, and possible treatment


    For society the advantages are that the prevalence of ME/CFS in a

    European population is about 0, 5% (ca. 20.000 cases in Norway).

    Chronic diseases leads to large costs for society, and an improved

    diagnosis and treatment will reduce those costs. Despite a vast

    scientific work, many see ME/CFS as a mystic and controversial and

    disease. Therefore it is important to establish clear and objective

    measurable criteria for the diagnosis.


    Disadvantages are that the collection of samples will take more of the

    patient=92s time, and will not give immediate results for the patient.

    It could also be a strain for the patient if hereditary factors for

    ME-patients is detected.


    ME-patients has been and still are an ignored group.  The

    ME/CFS-diagnosis is regarded as diffuse by health professionals. There

    are no specific diagnostic tests or established treatment. In the

    mission for the ME/CFS-center, research is an important part. In the

    long term this project might contribute to better diagnostics and

    treatment of the ME-disease.

    A disadvantage might be that it can take a long time before improved

    diagnostics and treatments are in place. Our judgment is that it is

    time to try to improve the conditions for this patient group.


    Decision from the ethical research committee


    The project is approved by the research ethics committee, but must

    fulfill special demands for example regarding approval from the Health

    Directorate and approvement of ethics for each sub-project. The

    establishing of the research biobank =93ME/CFS =96 Thematic Biobank=94 is



    The full project application from the ME/CFS-center with the project

    description and correspondence with the research ethics committee and

    the approval of The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board can be

    found here in Norwegian:



    The ME/CFS-center at Oslo
    University Hospital, Ulleval ~
    Large biomedical study of
    ME/CFS and different viruses
    (incl. XMRV)

    by SerendipityCat

    on 03. Apr, 2011 in Helse,
    ME, Vitenskap og forskning

    This is an English version of this post published
    earlier today.

    Maybe the best news for a long time for ME-patients
    in this country – at least since the news about the
    XMRV-study at Lillestrr
    m Health Clinic
    ( – is that
    the ME-center at UllevD
    l (a subdivision of Oslo
    University Hospital) is doing large biomedical studies
    of ME.

    Today the patient blog “Pasientfora” has published
    information (
    about biomedical studies at the ME-center, and the
    full project description, and I forward the information
    to you with a summary, and with my own comments
    at the end of this article.

    Click the picture to visit the old webpages of the
    ME/CFS-center ( ). The new
    webpages ( ) found here – is
    under construction. (Unfortunately the pages exist
    only in Norwegian).

    What is the ME/CFS-center?

    The ME/CFS-center was started at UllevD l University
    Hospital in Oslo Norway on the 1st of December,
    2008 and offers a interdisciplinary team for adults
    (over 18 years) with ME or chronic fatigue syndrom.

    The center is led by MD Barbara Baumgarten-
    Austrheim, and the team consists of a specialist in
    infectious diseases, psychologist, occupational
    therapist, physioterapist, clinical nutritionist and
    social worker. They are recruiting more physicians.

    The ME/CFS-center offers to diagnose patients, a
    “second opinion”, courses on how to master to live
    with the disease, thematic lectures for patients and
    next of kin etc.

    They also educate health professionals regarding the
    disease, and has an outpatient team that travels to
    the patient’s home if they are to sick to be
    diagnosed/treated at the hospital.

    The project – some facts

    The ME/CFS-center is doing a biomedical research
    project with the following scientific title:

    “Can chronic virus infections
    cause Chronic Fatigue syndrome?”

    The full project description can be found here.
    ( ) (Some of the document is in
    Norwegian, but there is a project description in

    Steering committee

    Project leader and main supervisor: Prof. Emeritus
    Stig Jeansson (

    Supervisor and contact person: MD. Barbara
    Baumgarten-Austrheim (

    Supervisor: Dr. Oddbjr
    rn Brubakk (specialist in
    infectious diseases), consultant at the 
    ME/CFS-center at  Oslo University Hospital, UllevD

    Publication: The project is a doctoral study project
    for MD Barbara Baumgarten-Austrheim. The results
    will be published in international and national
    medical journals with peer-review.

    Project start/end: The project started on the 1st of
    March 2010, and will be ended by 29th of December

    Goal: To study and find the causes of ME. A thematic
    biobank is being establish in a proper and safe way.
    The inclusion period is from 2010-2034. The project
    is part of the mission for the ME/CFS-center.

    Short project description: The cause of Myalgic
    Encephalopathy (ME) is still unknown. ME is
    characterised by a debilitating chronic fatigue and
    defined additional symptoms. About 70% of the
    cases are developed after an infection. There is no
    specific diagnostic tests, and the diagnosis is set
    clinically with the help of defined diagnostic criteria
    and exclusion of other diseases that might explain
    the condition. Immunological studies suggest an
    activation of the immune system, which might fit a
    chronic infection.

    The project has collaboration partners from St.
    George’s University in London (Cellular & Molecular
    Medicine), Uppsala University in Sweden (Medical
    Genetics), Karolinska University Hospital (Center for
    infectious medicine), Stockholm, Sweden and
    Department for Microbiology at Oslo University
    Hospital, UllevD

    Co-workers and their role in the project:

         Amanuensis Dr. Eirik Frengen. Institute of
         Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital,
          Responsible for studies of human
         herpesvirus-6 integrated in the human

         Chief Engineer Mona Holberg-Petersen.
         Department of Microbiology, Oslo University
         Hospital, UllevD
          Responsible for molecularbiological

         Professor Jonas Blomberg, Department of
         Medical Science, Clinical Virology, Uppsala
         University, Sweden
          Responsible for analysing XMRV-virus.

         Professor Jonathan R. Kerr, Department for
         cellular and molecular medicine, St.
         George’s University of London.
          Responsible for studying subgroups of

         Researcher Yenan T. Bryceson, Center
         Infectious Medicine, Karolinska University
         Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
          Responsible for immunological

    More about the goals for the study

    1. We will determine the prevalence of XMRV in CFS
    patients and matched controls. A possible
    relationship between XMRV infection and the
    presence of other viruses that are often associated
    with CFS (e.g. herpesviruses and enteroviruses) will
    be looked into.

    2. a) Determine the prevalence of CIHHV-6 in CFS
    patients and matched controls. If CIHHV-6 is found
    we will subtype virus as HHV-6A or HHV-6B. The
    presence of free HHV-6 virus particles in plasma
    (viremia) will be determined in CFS patients and
    matched controls.

    2. b) Verify that HHV-7 activation is higher in CFS
    patients than in controls and that a simultaneous
    activation of HHV-7 and HHV-6 is found in CFS
    patients only. Hopefully be able to show that in a
    subgroup of CFS patients a simultaneous active
    infection with these  viruses is a causal factor. Do
    CFS patients have an increased shedding of HHV-7 in

    3. We will determine the prevalence of chronic
    enterovirus infection in CFS patients and a control
    group. If a reliable diagnosis of a chronic enterovirus
    infection can be established in a subgroup of CFS
    patients the possibility of antiviral treatment will be

    4. Immunological parameters will be evaluated in
    CFS patients and healthy controls:

    a. Various mediators of cytotoxic cell function.

    b. Cytokine analyses

    c. Gene-expression markers for immunological

    Diagnosis and patient selection

    The project will use established international criteria
    for ME-diagnostics: Fukuda-criteria (CDC 1994) and
    the Canadian criteria (Carruthers et. al. 2003).

    The diagnosis is made by an evaluation of the
    patient’s medical history, clinical evaluations and
    tests to ensure that the conditon/symptoms is not
    caused by other diseases. When a certain
    ME-diagnosis is made, research has shown that
    patients can be divided in 7 different subgroups
    based on their gene-expression pattern.

    ME often debuts after a serious, acute infection, and
    signs of immunological dysfunction is often seen.
    The part of the immune system needed for an
    effective defence against viruses is often
    down-regulated. We want to study different viruses
    as possible cause for ME in certain subgroups. The
    virus discussed often leads to lifelong chronic

    You can read more about the different viruses to be
    studied in the project description, or at Pasientfora.

    Patients who wished to be evaluated for ME/CFS
    (myalgic encephalopaty/chronic fatigue syndrome)
    will participate in the study with informed consent.

    The diagnosis is based on a set of clinical criteria
    that must be fulfilled. It is a need to find agents or
    specific immunological findings that can be directly
    connected with the diagnosis, so that it is possible
    to develop laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.

    If a defined virus infection causes ME in a defined
    subgroup, it may open up the possibility of antiviral
    treatment with an effect on the disease’s

    A controlgroup will be established from blood donors
    matched both regarding sex and age, from an
    assumed healthy normal population.

    The project is going to use material from a biobank
    that is being established at the ME/CFS-center. This
    is a thematic biobank within the ME-field, and will
    collect samples over a timespan of approximately 25

    For each patient, a control person matched by age
    and sex will be sought from healthy blood donors.

    Approximately 350 ME-patients will be included every
    year, and the inclusion period is from 2010 to 2034.

    In total for the given timespan, the estimated
    number of participants is 15.000.

    If new ideas and new information about ME should
    surface during the project period, applications to the
    regional ethics committe will be submitted to use
    the biobank-material for each new project.

    This biobank will also have value for international
    cooperations within the field.

    Some of the reasons for establishing such a large
    biobank, is that several subprojects will be carried
    out, and for each subproject a relatively large
    number of samples must be used from the biobank.
    It is desirable to research several scientific questions
    within the ME/CFS-field.

    Benefits and disadvantages of the project

    Benefits for each project participant is a certain
    diagnosis of the disease, with thorough evaluation.

    If the background or causes of ME/CFS is
    established, this can lead to possibilities for
    effective treatment for some patients.

    It is a benefit for patients with a ME/CFS-diagnosis
    to get an explanation of the mechanisms of the
    disease, and possible treatment options.

    For society the advantages are that the prevalence
    of ME/CFS in an European population is about 0,5%
    (ca. 20.000 cases in Norway). Chronic diseases leads
    to large costs for society, and an improved diagnosis
    and treatment will reduce those costs. Despite a
    vast scientific work, many see ME/CFS as a mystic
    and controversial and disease. Therefore it is
    important to establish clear and objective
    measurable criteria for the diagnosis.

    Disadvantages is that the collection of samples will
    take more of the patient’s time, and will not give
    immediate results for the patient.

    It can be a strain for the patient if hereditary factors
    for ME-patients is detected.

    ME-patients has been and still are an ignored group. 
    The ME/CFS-diagnosis is regarded as diffuse by
    health professionals. There are no specific diagnostic
    tests or established treatment. In the mission for
    the ME/CFS-center, research is an important part. In
    the long term this project might contribute to better
    diagnostics and treatment of the ME-disease.

    A disadvantage might be that it can take a long time
    before improved diagnostics and treatments are in
    place. Our judgement is that it is time to try to
    improve the conditions for this patient group.
    Decision from the ethical research committe

    The project is approved by the research ethics
    committee, but must fulfill special demands for
    example regarding approval from the Health
    Directorate and approvement of ethics for each
    sub-project. The establishing of the research biobank
    “ME/CFS – Thematic Biobank” is approved.

    The full project application from the ME/CFS-center
    with the project description and correspondence with
    the research ethics committe and the approval of The
    Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board can be
    found here: Project description ME/CFS-center
    ( )

    My comments

    I have not had the opportunity to read the full
    project description, but wants to than Pasientfora for
    making it available and giving us a summary of the

    I think this sounds like a solid, comprehensive and
    exiting project. I am especially glad that a biobank
    now is established with samples (blood and hair)
    from ME-patients, and that it is highlighted that this
    also will be useful in international research

    The project will study the relation between ME/CFS
    and several viruses, amongst them XMRV. They are
    also open to that new information and new ideas in
    the ME research-field will be actualised during the
    project period, and are willing and ready to include
    these in new sub-projects. This is very positive.

    This is also of course a clear and solid statement
    that the ME/CFS-center takes the disease seriously
    and really wants to research in depth to find the
    causes of this disease, and also possible treatments,
    for example antiviral treatments. We have not seen
    a biomedical research effort of this magnitude here
    in Norway before, and to my knowledge such an
    extensive and long-term project has not been carried
    out anywhere else either.

    Together with the XMRV-research being carried out at
    m Helath Clinic in cooperation with the WPI
    and the San Raffaele-institute, Norway will be
    positioned in a positive way regarding biomedical
    research of the causes of ME/CFS. Uppsala University
    is as we know already involved in XMRV-research,
    and I’m glad to hear that they will cooperate with
    the ME/CFS-center in this project.

    All in all this was a very positiv reading of the
    project description served to us on a Sunday
    afternoon, and I think we have reason to thank
    Barbara and the others at the ME/CFS-center for their
    effort for the research and the patients.

    Wishing you all a happy Sunday!